Shooting Near US Embassy in Awkar: Shooter Arrested

Date: June 5, 2024

News Category: Breaking News

Country: Lebanon

Location: Awkar

US Embassy Lebanon

A shooting incident occurred near the US Embassy in Awkar early this morning, leading to an immediate response from the Lebanese army and embassy security forces. The shooter, identified as a Syrian national, was apprehended after an exchange of gunfire, which resulted in injuries to both a security guard and the shooter himself.

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Incident Report
At approximately 8:34 am local time, shots were fired near the entrance of the US Embassy in Awkar, Lebanon. A security source informed “RAGEX” that the Lebanese army quickly intervened, opening fire on the shooter and successfully arresting him.

Injuries Reported
According to “RAGEX,” a security guard at the embassy sustained injuries during the incident. The shooter, who was also injured, is currently in the custody of the Lebanese army and has been transported to a hospital for treatment.

The Shooter

Official Statements
In a statement released via the “X” platform, the Lebanese army confirmed that the shooter, a Syrian national, targeted the US Embassy. The army personnel stationed in the area responded promptly, injuring the shooter and subsequently arresting him. An investigation is underway to uncover the motives behind the attack.

The US Embassy also issued a statement on “X,” confirming that light weapons fire was reported near the embassy’s entrance. The embassy’s security team, along with the Lebanese army and Internal Security Forces, responded to the incident. The embassy assured that its facilities and personnel are safe following the swift intervention.

The incident near the US Embassy in Awkar highlights ongoing security concerns in the region. The rapid response by the Lebanese army and embassy security forces prevented further escalation. Authorities are conducting a thorough investigation to determine the circumstances and motives behind the shooting. Stay tuned to “RAGEX” for more updates.

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