580 Days into the Russia-Ukraine War: Persistent Surge in Russian Casualties


As the Russia-Ukraine war reaches its 580th day, Russian military losses continue to escalate at a steady pace. This article delves into the updated data, sourced from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, to offer an in-depth analysis of the mounting costs for the Russian forces involved in the conflict.

Increasing Losses of Russian Personnel

The number of Russian troops eliminated in the ongoing conflict has now reached 276,670, representing an additional loss of 400 personnel since the previous report.

Tanks and Armored Personnel Vehicles: Incremental Losses

  • Tanks: With an increase of 5 units, the total now stands at 4,672.
  • Armored Personnel Vehicles (APV): Counted at 8,946 units, up by 19 from the last assessment.

Artillery Systems and Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS)

  • Artillery Systems: Now accounting for 6,299 units, an increase of 39.
  • MLRS: A modest increase by 1 unit, bringing the total to 792.

Stagnant Figures and Unchanged Categories

  • Anti-Aircraft Warfare Systems: Remains at 533 units.
  • Unchanged Categories: Aircraft, Helicopters, Boats/Warships, and Submarines have not seen any new losses.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Other Categories

  • UAVs at the Operational-Tactical Level: A significant jump of 29 units, now totaling 4,924.
  • Cruise Missiles: An increase of 11 units, now standing at 1,529.
  • Special Equipment: Has risen by 7 units to 925.
  • Vehicles and Fuel Tanks: Increased by 17, now totaling 8,763 units.

Historical Context

The numbers reveal a sustained trend of incremental losses on the Russian side, affecting multiple dimensions of its military capability. While the magnitude varies, the ongoing losses signal a protracted conflict where attrition is likely to continue playing a significant role.


The 580 days of the Russia-Ukraine conflict have been detrimental for Russian military capabilities. The continuous losses in various categories suggest a grim outlook for Russian forces unless there is a significant shift in the dynamics of the war.

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