President-elect Donald Trump is preparing to nominate Senator Marco Rubio as Secretary of State and Representative Mike Waltz as National Security Adviser. Both picks signal a strategic shift, leaning toward a more assertive foreign policy, despite Trump’s campaign promises of prioritizing peace and stability.
Marco Rubio, a Cuban-American and longtime advocate for strong U.S. involvement in international affairs, has built his political profile around confronting authoritarian regimes globally. As Vice Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Rubio’s experience in security and foreign policy positions him as a capable diplomat, albeit with views historically more hawkish than Trump’s. During the presidential campaign, Trump ran on an “America First” platform, pledging to reduce U.S. military commitments abroad. However, Rubio’s nomination could suggest an openness to a more aggressive stance, especially against adversarial nations like China and Iran.
Rubio was previously considered a potential vice-presidential pick for Trump before Senator JD Vance of Ohio was chosen. His relationship with Trump has evolved significantly, moving from political rivalry in 2016 to a potential high-ranking role in the incoming administration. If confirmed, Rubio will likely be the public face of Trump’s foreign policy, tasked with implementing the “America First” agenda on the global stage. His recent rhetoric has softened on some neoconservative principles, aligning more with Trump’s skepticism of extensive U.S. military spending, particularly in Europe.
Mike Waltz, a former Green Beret and advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney, is expected to take on the role of National Security Adviser. Known for his outspoken criticism of China, Waltz has been a vocal advocate for a tough stance on Beijing, challenging its economic and political maneuvers. His appointment signals a potential hardline approach in dealing with China, a stance that may clash with Trump’s preference for negotiation and diplomatic engagement. Waltz has also criticized the Biden administration’s handling of the Ukraine conflict, questioning the long-term sustainability of U.S. support for Kyiv. His views may align closely with Trump’s calls to reevaluate the U.S. role in the conflict and to push NATO allies to shoulder more responsibility.
The selection of Rubio and Waltz marks a clear pivot towards experienced, hawkish figures who may push for a firmer response to global threats. Trump’s first term saw significant friction between his peace-oriented campaign promises and the hardline stances of his top advisers. This time, loyalty appears to be a key criterion for Trump’s appointments, as he seeks to minimize internal discord.
Trump’s broader team is also taking shape, with immigration hardliner Stephen Miller likely to return as Deputy Chief of Staff. Meanwhile, former Congressman Lee Zeldin is set to lead the Environmental Protection Agency, and Representative Elise Stefanik is poised to become the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. These selections underscore Trump’s effort to bring in familiar, ideologically aligned figures to key positions.
Despite their reputations as foreign policy hawks, both Rubio and Waltz have attempted to align more closely with Trump’s vision in recent years. Rubio has expressed skepticism about high levels of U.S. military spending in Europe, advocating for European nations like Germany, France, and the U.K. to take greater responsibility for their own defense. Waltz, while initially supporting sustained military aid to Ukraine, has echoed Trump’s concerns about the open-ended nature of U.S. commitments.
Rubio’s approach to China, however, remains uncompromising. He has been sanctioned by Beijing for his criticism of China’s human rights record and aggressive geopolitical strategies. If confirmed, Rubio may influence Trump to adopt an even tougher stance against China, as well as against militant groups like Hamas, following the recent escalation of the Gaza conflict.
Waltz has similarly maintained a hardline approach on China, advocating for stronger economic and political measures against Beijing. He played a key role in promoting a boycott of the 2022 Beijing Olympics and has introduced legislation targeting China’s influence in the Indo-Pacific region. His vocal opposition to Biden’s policies on China may signal a shift towards a more confrontational U.S. stance under Trump’s leadership.
While Trump’s choices for these key roles suggest a departure from his non-interventionist campaign rhetoric, they also highlight his focus on building a loyal team that can navigate the complexities of U.S. foreign policy. The evolving dynamics within the administration may shape the course of U.S. engagement on critical international issues, including the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, and the growing rivalry with China.
ترامب يعيد إحياء سياسات الحدود مستفيدًا من أدوات بايدن الأشد
تعهد الرئيس المنتخب دونالد ترامب بقمع المعابر الحدودية غير القانونية عبر إعادة سياسات ولايته الأولى، بما في ذلك سياسة “البقاء في المكسيك”، التي تُلزم طالبي اللجوء بالبقاء خارج الأراضي الأمريكية حتى يتم البت في قضاياهم. ومع ذلك، سيرث ترامب أدوات إنفاذ أقوى من إدارة بايدن، بما في ذلك قيود على اللجوء تسمح بالترحيل الفوري دون جلسات استماع في المحاكم.
وقد صُممت سياسات بايدن، التي انتقدها المدافعون عن الهجرة، لمعالجة الأعداد القياسية من المهاجرين التي شهدتها ولايته. وأسفرت التدابير عن تقليص المعابر غير القانونية بنسبة 78% منذ ديسمبر، لتصل إلى مستويات أقل من تلك المسجلة في نهاية ولاية ترامب الأولى. جمعت إدارة بايدن بين تشديد القيود وتوسيع “المسارات القانونية”، مما سمح لأكثر من 70,000 مهاجر شهريًا بدخول الولايات المتحدة بشكل قانوني.
يخطط ترامب للعودة إلى موقف أكثر تشددًا بإلغاء هذه المسارات القانونية وزيادة عمليات الترحيل. وقد أعلن أن المدير السابق لوكالة ICE، توم هومان، سيتولى قيادة جهوده كمسؤول رفيع في البيت الأبيض للإشراف على إنفاذ الحدود. أشاد هومان بسياسة “البقاء في المكسيك” ووصفها بأنها فعالة في ردع المعابر غير القانونية عبر إجبار المهاجرين على الانتظار خارج الحدود الأمريكية.
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