بيان صادر عن العلاقات الإعلامية في حزب الله: يواصل العدو الصهيوني جرائمه الإرهابية ضدّ الإنسانية، فبعد غاراته الوحشية التي أدت إلى تدمير العشرات من المباني السكنية في الضاحية الجنوبية ليل ...
Statement issued by Hezbollah's media relations: The Zionist enemy continues its terrorist crimes against humanity. After its brutal raids that led to the destruction of dozens of residential buildings in ...
Israel conducted a targeted strike in Beirut on Wednesday night local time against the head of Hezbollah's executive committee Hashim Safi al-Din, three Israeli officials said. Why it matters: Safi ...