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Breaking: U.S. to Supply Long-Range Missiles to Ukraine Amid Ongoing Conflict with Russia

Breaking: U.S. to Supply Long-Range Missiles to Ukraine Amid Ongoing Conflict with Russia

Date: September 22, 2023📍 Washington, D.C., United States

Biden Administration Nears Decision on Providing Cluster-Armed ATACMS to Ukraine

Biden Administration Nears Decision on Providing Cluster-Armed ATACMS to Ukraine

Date: September 22, 2023📍 Washington, D.C., United States

Headline Summary:In a development that could significantly alter the balance of power in the ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict, the Biden administration is reportedly close to deciding on supplying Ukraine with a version of ATACMS long-range missiles armed with cluster bomblets.

Key Points:

1. Cluster-Armed ATACMS: Unlike the unitary warhead version, the cluster-armed Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) missiles have a range of between 45 to 190 miles. This allows for strikes on command posts, ammunition stores, and logistics routes deep into Russian territory.
2. Support from Lawmakers: Several U.S. lawmakers have backed Ukraine’s request for the ATACMS, which they have been asking for since last year.
3. High Demand, Low Supply: The cluster-armed version of ATACMS is more plentiful than the unitary warhead type and is not considered a front-line U.S. weapon anymore.
4. Significant Payload: According to a 2022 Army publication, different versions of these missiles contain between 300 to 950 individual bomblets, increasing the chances of hitting targets but also raising ethical questions about their use.
5. Strategic Implications: The decision could substantially escalate the conflict and may affect U.S.-Russia relations as well as the broader geopolitical landscape.
6. Unknown Numbers: From an estimated original production of 2,500 missiles, an unspecified number have been retrofitted with unitary warheads, leaving the quantity of available cluster-armed missiles uncertain.

Headline Summary:In a move likely to escalate tensions further, President Joe Biden has reportedly told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy that the United States will provide Ukraine with a small number of long-range missiles to aid in their war with Russia.


Key Points:

  1. Confidential Sources: The information comes from three U.S. officials and a congressional official who spoke on condition of anonymity to NBC News. They were not authorized to speak publicly.
  2. Missile System: Ukraine has been requesting the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) for months. This system would give Kyiv the capability to strike targets up to 180 miles away, including supply lines, railways, and command and control locations. Full report:
  3. Unknown Timelines: There is no information on when the missiles will be delivered or when a public announcement will be made.
  4. Strategic Implications: Providing such military aid to Ukraine could have far-reaching implications, affecting not only Ukraine-Russia relations but also the U.S.’s standing with its NATO allies and other international actors.
  5. Russian Reaction: Moscow’s response to this development is not yet known but is expected to be significant, especially given the ongoing conflict and recent Ukrainian missile strike in Sevastopol.
  6. Global Tensions: The move comes amid a rise in global conflicts, including in the Caucasus and the Middle East, which are putting additional strain on international relations.

📝 Note: This is a rapidly evolving situation, and new details are expected to emerge soon.

Stay with us as we continue to bring you the most recent developments on this unfolding story.

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