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Apple Addresses Overheating Issues in Latest iPhones

Recent complaints have put Apple under scrutiny as users reported overheating issues in their new iPhones. In response, Apple identified a dual-fold problem involving a bug in iOS 17 and conflicts with third-party apps. This article will examine the multi-layered issue and explore what the tech giant is doing to resolve it.

iOS 17 Bug: The Core Culprit

Apple admitted that a glitch in iOS 17 could be one of the reasons why the latest iPhones are heating up more than expected. The company is taking rapid steps to issue a corrective update, though an exact timeline has not been provided.

Historical Context: iOS Updates & Bugs

Apple’s past is not without its share of software glitches following major updates. Remember the Wi-Fi and battery issues that iOS 13 brought along? Though these issues were rectified in subsequent patches, they demonstrate how software hiccups can sometimes disrupt hardware performance.

Third-Party Apps: Increased System Load

Apart from the iOS 17 bug, Apple has also identified issues with some third-party apps that cause undue strain on the system, subsequently leading to overheating. These apps include Asphalt 9, Uber, and Instagram.

Instagram: Leading the Way in Fixes

Notably, Instagram initiated corrective measures as early as September 27, setting a precedent for other app developers to follow suit.

Material Design: Not at Fault

Apple made it clear that the device’s material design is not to blame for the overheating. Contrary to potential assumptions, the titanium used in the newer models is, in fact, more effective at heat dissipation compared to the stainless steel used in older versions.

Safety and Long-Term Performance

While the issue is causing inconvenience, Apple has assured users that the problem doesn’t pose a safety risk and won’t have long-term adverse effects on the device’s performance.


As Apple works on multiple fronts to address the overheating issues, the company is collaborating with third-party developers to update applications that are contributing to the problem. While an update to fix the iOS 17 bug is awaited, it’s crucial for users to keep their apps up-to-date to mitigate the issue.

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